Saturday, January 09, 2010


Pepsico just came out with a limited edition "Throwback" of three of their softdrinks. That is, not only in the original packaging but (unlike Coca-Cola "Classic") it's the original formulas with real sugar instead of that nasty high-fructose corn syrup...

Anyways tried the Throwback Pepsi and I don't taste much difference, and I don't remember if it did taste different back in the 70s when I grew up... But the Throwback Mountain Dew is a real hit. Tastes like it should taste, with a citrus tang you just don't get with MD today. Didn't try Dr. Pepper, which I never liked in the first place anyhow...

Thursday, January 07, 2010

The Bell Jar and the Hanging Garden

Both these book are novels by poets, Sylvia Plath and David Wagoner respectfully. The Wagoner book is supposed to be a horror novel -- an ex-mayor and dog-handler moves to a new town and discovers that some mutts were substituted for his pedigrees (which were killed.) He finds there is a sick, sadistic and insane cabal with the dogcatcher and the wife of the town's mayor. Sure enough there are visions of horror but the ending is too abrupt and undramatic, like that of a TV movie from the 70s. And the book is too short besides, which is too bad because it had the potential for being a study in humanity's bestial side...

The Sylvia Plath book is cool though -- I was expecting just her poetry (which I wanted to trace how she inspired Nico's the Marble Index album), but this is a good view of her struggle with schizophrenia and suicide. And plenty of dark sarcastic humor to go around as well... Imagine if Ann Coulter wasn't mired in stupid politics, she'd write something like this...