Why did Joey have to die first?
Pity about Johnny Ramone. We've plenty to thank him for. Up until 1988 or so everyone outside NYC hated them, even fellow punk-rockers. I never saw them until '88 at a sold-out show just as they suddenly became popular, which was no big deal really. Before every time they'd come to town people would throw bottles at them. I remember my driver's ed teacher was in a band (The Resisters I think) and had to open for the Ramones, which he hated and the audience did too from what he told me. I remember my high school classmates that went to see Billy Idol in '83 or '84 (which I did not see) saw the Ramones open up and said the crowd hated them as well and were totally heckled throughout their set. Supposedly Billy came up afterwards and sneered how lame it was they didn't give that 'claasic' band more respect. Really...
I don't think there will be anyone at the funeral except all of Johnny's friends at the 'conservative' punk movement, Vincent Gallo (Johnny is probably his only friend besides those stupid Red Hot Chili Peppers) and Rev. Sun Yung Moon.
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