Saturday, June 12, 2004


"Seeing Reagan's funeral on TV I couldn't help noticing all the women dressed as two dollar whores."

--- from unnamed internet forum

That was for Mark Solotroff 'cos he said my stuff about Reagan was tedious. Ha!

Anyhoo, I might be opening for his current band Bloodyminded as they plan to stop in Rochester on tour. That came about when John Schoen asked me how to contact them. I hadn't corresponded w/ Mark for yrs and it took a Yahoo search to find his e-mail address... John hadn't contacted him yet -- had been busy setting up other shows including To Live And Shave In LA which I will probably also do an opener -- but Mark put out an e-mail message w/ links to my site and also Pengo's (yay!)

Seeing Pengo's list of past shows there are quite a few I wish I saw (like when Finkbeiner vomited over the audience...) I remember the famous give-away of garbage, the newspaper "info-age" piece that annoyed the Bug Jar, the endless loop of "Another One Bites The Dust" (the best show IMO!) and the phony show I had a bit part where I was in charge of opening the beer bottles they were throwing around behind the screen. (My 15 minutes of Pengo fame!) Don't forget John Schoen on TV pre-Pengo at the Bug Jar outdoor fest saying "Look, we found Kali!" (Kali Ann Poulten in case you don't know...)


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