Saturday, April 15, 2006

A band no doubt Conservative Punk would approve...

Similarily with a marketable and cartoonish 'punk' image and given to extreme rightist politics, but more honest about their bigotry.

No, I'll bet ConPunk wouldn't stoop so low even if they privately support such fare. Being honest about your own bigotry isn't marketable, is it? Unless you're Jewish like Michael Savage or David Horowitz. I'll bet if the Memphis Three all had darker skin or even were left-wing, and not simply white punk-rockers, Michale Graves wouldn't use them as a photo op, and even spout about how they deserved to be executed.

Maybe you think I'm being "PC" again. I'm just disgusted about people not being honest. I think those on the Left aren't always credulous either, but frankly this neo-McCarthyist crap is now already making the Left look better in comparison. Just as "anti-Communism" has become as ugly and brutal as Communism (thanks to Augusto Pinochet Ugarte), and now "anti-terrorism" looking not much different than terrorism. And perhaps people like David Horowitz will make Zionism look as bad as National Socialism...

Well I've been reading Punk Rock: So What?, edited by Roger Sabin, which is a critique and demystification of punk. Such as punk didn't start-out as left-wing or 'anti-racist' as was claimed. Particularily a chapter about actual racism in the early British punk scene, long before Skrewdriver turned Nazi. Incidently I had to do several internet searches on the subject and came up with the link above.

Frankly the more I found out about 'nazi punk' and 'nazi skinhead' music, the more I was reminded of the vile ConPunk bands and their pathetic website. It's no different and no-less bigoted, the only difference is the dishonesty. Frankly I've stopped caring about fare like Skrewdriver or Vaginal Jesus -- however vile it is I just can't be arsed to raise my hands in alarm over it, especially when the ARA and AntiFa are just as bad. And of course that could lead to Death In June which I've talked about at forums enough, and yes I like them and I'm not sorry either. But DIJ don't spout hatred by-and-large whereas both the 88ers and the ConPunks do.

But ConPunk is more annoying because, like alot of 'Neo-Folk' fans, they're defensive about charges of racism, although it is the ConPunks who will produce typical Archie Bunker-style justifications for their own stupidity. Of course it's easy for them to simply attack 'liberals' or even to be as ugly as saying 'liberals' are racist or are Nazis, just so they can cover their own much-uglier racism. Sure it might be pure speculation on my part, but none on the right have ever really made a convincing argument in my eyes. Maybe they would if they didn't seem so cynical, alarmist, or just plain insulting...